International Journal of Clinical Anesthesia ISSN: In Process

Article No : 101
Cuomo A, Cascella M, Lubrano G, et al.

We are very proud to present the proceeding of the 28th Italian Conference ‘Sicurezza in Anestesia’ (Safety in Anesthesia), held from 29 November to 1 December in Naples, Italy. A total of 250 clinicians (anesthesiologists, general internists, intensivists) and nurses attended the meeting and discussed a variety of issues related to safety in anesthesia. The conference was only possible with the zealous and ardent efforts of Prof Arturo Cuomo and the members of the ‘Collegio dei Primari di Anestesia e Rianimazione della Regione Campania’ (CPARC) which is the collegium of the directors of the anesthesia divisions and intensive care units of Campania region, southern Italy.

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